Monday, March 27, 2006

Mike Nott » PHP Whois Script

Here is a very handy little piece of code to do a whois lookup.

I am integrating it into my project / client management CMS.

Thanks Mike.

Mike Nott » PHP Whois Script

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Christian Death

"The Koran is very clear and the words of our prophet are very clear. There can only be one outcome: death," said cleric Khoja Ahmad Sediqi, who is also a member of the Supreme Court. "If Karzai releases him, it will play into the hands of our enemy and there could be an uprising."

Rahman is being prosecuted under Afghanistan's Islamic laws for converting 16 years ago while working as a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in Pakistan.


Here we go again. These moronic clerics and their brain-dead sheep-head followers need to wake up to the 21st century. What is it going to take? We need to clone Paris and Nicole, armies of them throughout the Middle East to infiltrate in Trailers.... "That's hot", "Do you love it?"

deviantART: admedia

deviantART: admedia I am so confused by this. Usually I can register / log-in and start using something...

I just wanted to add something to my bookmarks there... I ended up making the artist a 'friend'. But I figured out the 'favourites' thing I was supposed to use. But now I have no idea how to edit / delete the 'friend'.

Anyone want to teach me how to use Deviant Art ? :)

Where do I edit these friends / deviants... where to i use / see this list after I add deviants?

Oh and I know, so spare me any of the 'Dude, don't use deviant art cause blah blah blah...' I don't want to hear it... I am having fun, so leave me alone!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Excuse me, While I Tweak My Blog

I am going to be messing around heavily with the CSS template in this blog...

blogstyler... coming soon.

4:47 am

I saw a program a few nights ago about a man and his daughter that went to bed around 8:00 pm and got up at 3 or 4 am.

They were saying they suffered from some kind of syndrome. Had a name for it and everything. They were actually going to go to a sleep disorder center in Chicago and get hooked up to electrodes and be studied.

Sounds more like a schedule to me. I mean, why don't they just go to sleep an hour later if it's such a problem. I love getting up early. I don't see the problem here.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ten Commandments '06

ABC has produced a new Ten Commandments movie to air on April 10 & 11. Man I watch the old one just about every year. Charlton Heston = Moses. I just can't imagine it any other way.
ABC Medianet

Goody 2 Shoes

Don't drink... don't smoke... what do you do?

Ok going on day 14 now without a cigarette. I must admit it's getting slightly easier. I had a dream last night that I had a smoke, it was sooo good... that's always a good thing when you dream about cheating with something, then you wake up realizing you didn't cheat. It helps you not want to cheat in reality.

Actually I think giving up smoking is normalizing my sleep pattern. I actually don't get up now until 7 or 8 am instead of the usual 2 or 3 am.